P-05-1070 Advise all people who are extremely vulnerable or previously shielding in Wales to stay home, not work, during periods of high covid 19 community infection


This petition was submitted by Carol Dent having collected a total of 252 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Consider the welfare and genuine fears of extremely vulnerable people relating to covid 19 during periods of high community infection rates. Many extremely vulnerable people in Wales are terrified of going out each day to work for up to eight plus hours in what we all know to be unsafe environments.


Additional Information:

Failing to recognise that many of us work in enclosed areas with a significant number of other individuals and minimal ventilation. We cannot reduce contacts, and although masks will reduce virus contamination, it will not stop transmission, such as hospital acquired infections and aerosol particles of covid 19 which remain suspended for hours in enclosed spaces. We are terrified and frightened and risk serious mental health issues and physical injury or death from covid 19.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Aberconwy

·         North Wales